November 4

Spy System in the American Revolution by Anthony

Spying during the American Revolution consisted of a complicated system of hidden networks, interpersonal relationships, scientific knowledge, personal cunning, guile and risk taking. They used ciphers and codes in letters so that if the letter was intercepted, the British or the colonists, (whomever intercepted the letter) would have to try to decipher it which would take forever. The ciphers  would represent and replace existing letters in the alphabet. Sometimes they would use invisible ink, which is ink that you can’t see, and it was made from ferrous sulfate and water at the time because those were the most abundant supplies they had. The secret writing was placed between the lines of an innocent letter and could be discerned by treating the letter with heat or a chemical substance. The recipient placed the paper over the flame of a candle or treated it with a chemical reagent, such as sodium carbonate, which would reveal the letter’s hidden contents.

That’s just some about the spy system in the Revolutionary war, but there is a lot more!

January 14

Revolution Reflection, by Sophie

This post is courtesy of Sophie’s KidBlog post.

When I think about all the revolutions I have learned about, I think some of the most common causes is wanting independence from a governing body. Some of the countries that took over others were England (Ireland and America), Spain (Cuba), and Russia (Estonia). Another cause is high taxes and unfair laws. There were some in the Cuban War of Independence when Spain treated them unfairly. There was also when Britain was treating the Americans unfairly with high taxes and unfair laws. Another cause is unfair elections. In the Orange Revolution, many people thought the election was unfair. There was also an election in the Costa Rican Civil War that people starting fighting about.

I think our team (our team name was SAFZ Sophie, Alice, Faith, Zach) worked pretty well together. (There were some times where we did get off focus though). Other than that, I think we were a great team. One thing I learned you should try to focus AS HARD AS YOU CAN! If you don’t focus as hard as you can, you can get behind and off track.

January 14

Revolution 101, by Jonah

This post is courtesy of Jonah’s KidBlog post.

My group was Anthony, Rachel W. and Samantha, and we learned about the Cuban War of Independence. I learned about a lot of revolutions. I have found some connections between them. For example, a cause of all revolutions is that they wanted independence. They also wanted to have their own laws and trade with all countries. Some effects of most of the revolutions we learned about was that they eventually gained their independence. They also made their own laws and now can trade with all countries, most of the time. The revolutions were very, and when I say very, I mean very interesting. I really did learn a lot on all of the revolutions I learned about!!

I think my group did pretty well being organized and working well together. I can definitely say we had lots of laughs and fun during the process of learning about the Cuban War of Independence and making our presentation. I think we stayed organized because we could find our papers right away and we didn’t loose anything during the process. I had lots of fun withing with my group and lots of fun doing this whole project!!

January 14

Revolutions 101, by Samantha

This post is courtesy of Samantha’s KidBlog post.

In our fifth grade Revolutions 101 Unit, we had to compare the causes and effects of the revolutions we studied and the revolutions other classmates studied. We also compared causes and effects of the revolutions we studied with the American Revolution, Afghanistan Revolution and the El Salvador Revolution. Some of the causes a lot of the revolutions had in common were: wanting independence from the governing body, wanting fair laws and unfair elections. Some effects a lot of the revolutions had in common were:  getting independence, people disappeared and people were killed.

I think when working with my group we had a lot of fun! In my opinion, we were pretty organized but sometimes we had a hard time focusing. However, we were always able to refocus and get back to what we were doing. I think we put a little bit of all our ideas in our presentation so it could be as awesome as possible. As a learner I learned that I have more fun when working in a group or with partners. I think it is also a little bit easier for me. So overall, I thought the Revolutions 101 unit was pretty fun!

January 14

Working on Revolution, by Rishi

This post is courtesy of Rishi’s KidBlog post.

Hi, Rishi here. My friend, Tracy and I just finished a school project called Revolutions 101. Tracy and I had to answer this driving question, “How can we, as investigative journalists, inform others about the causes and effects of political revolutions?” In case you were wondering what revolutions meant, it means an overthrow of the government or a problem that turns into a war. Tracy and I picked a revolution that we would study. We agreed on the Independence of Brazil that dates from March 8, 1789 to 1824 [we don’t know the exact date of when it ended]. We studied the revolution and wrote the causes on a big piece of lined paper, and we did the same thing except that time for the effects. Then, once we got all of the information we had to figure out how were going to present it. Tracy and I had to plan what we were going to put on every slide.  We could present by using iMovie, a Google Drive slideshow, or Adobe Voice slideshow. We chose Adobe Voice. It was a little challenging, even though we already knew what we were going to say, it was still hard trying to record it all. Luckily we finished on time and we were going to present, but I was a little nervous because we had to present in front of the Principal and the Head of the school but overall, it went very well. The project wasn’t that bad and I felt good when it was over.