November 2

The Quartering Act, by Samantha

The British passed many acts that caused tension between the British and the colonists and eventually caused the Revolution. The Quartering Act occurred in 1765. It was a law that made the colonists house British soldiers and give them supplies. Before the law was made, a lot of the British soldiers didn’t have a place to stay because a lot of the colonists weren’t willing to house them. Eventually they made a law that said they had to house them. This law caused anxiety in the colonies because the colonists were scared that the government was trying to take away their freedom. It also made the colonists angry because they didn’t want to have British soldiers stay in their house without being asked. This act was one of the many acts that caused tension between the British and the colonists.

Posted November 2, 2015 by heidihutch in category American Revolution, Ms. Hutchison's Students

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